Canadian Court Rules Bible Verses Against Homosexuality Are ‘Hate’ Speech
Canadian Court Rules Bible Verses Against Homosexuality Are ‘Hate’ Speech!

Thursday, February 13 @ 18:27:58 PST

Summary: A judge in Saskatchewan has ruled that a man who placed Bible verses about homosexuality in a newspaper ad was guilty of inciting hatred.

In a ruling that has received little media coverage, a judge on the Court of Queen’s Bench in Saskatchewan, Canada has ruled that a man who put Bible verses about homosexuality in a newspaper ad was guilty of inciting hatred against homosexuals.

The December 11, 2002 decision was in a response to an appeal by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission over an ad that Hugh Owens placed in a Canadian newspaper. Owens was ordered to pay $1,500 to three homosexuals over the ad.

The ad contained four Bible passages: Romans 1, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 on the right side of the page. On the left side, the ad contained a graphic of two homosexuals holding hands. The graphic had a diagonal bar through it, indicating “no” to homosexual behavior.

Judge J. Barclay said: “When the use of the circle and slash is combined with the passages of the Bible, it exposes homosexuals to detestation, vilification, and disgrace. In other words, the Biblical passage (sic) which suggest that if a man lies with a man they must be put to death exposes homosexuals to hatred.”

To read this horrible decision, go to: Owens v. Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission).

For more on the history of this case, go to: LifeSite Daily News for Tuesday June 19, 2001.

This is where our nation is headed if we do not fight against the passage of “hate crime” laws in the United States. The Bible will be declared “hate literature” and those who preach from it will be guilty of “hate crimes.” Read TVC’s report on this. [TVC's Special Report - Bible As "Hate Literature"]

Read TVC’s report on how homosexuals vilify their enemies and are working to silence all opposition to their goal of homosexualizing America and our children. [TVC's Special Report - Homosexuals Silencing the Opposition]

Source of article: Traditional Values Coalition

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