Ye Olde Photo Album for Sligo Alumni

Ye Olde Photo Album for Sligo Alumni

Information please?

The first photo is Sligo High School Junior Class of 1925-26 with only 5 persons identified -- if anyone can help name some of the others, please forward that information to me. The next photo is of Hugh West, a teacher at Sligo HS. Following that are 3 old school photos, with the top two identified as captioned. The third is a bit uncertain as to whether it is of a Sligo School group of graduates. Anyone who can provide further help and maybe identify some of the persons, please contact C.D. Harriger at

Sligo High School Junior Class of 1925-26

Front row: first person on left is Mabelle (Curll) McElavy
Second row: second person from left is Helen (Sedgwick) Harriger
Third row: second person from left is Maude (Miller) Shook; third person is
Iona (Dixon) Botzer; fifth person is John Fetzer

[When the class graduated in 1927 the following persons were listed in the class: Darl Callen, Ruth Craig, Mabelle Curll, John Fetzer, Aldene Hartman, Drue Logue, Catherine Mahle, Agnes McElravy, Maude Miller, Robert Muir, Merle Over, Orpha Over, Helen Sedgwick, Elizabeth Shaw, Charles Shook, Iantha Wagner, and Homer Yingling]

Mr. Hugh West, teacher at Sligo High School
Years unknown -- picture is from photo collection of
Helen L. (Sedgwick) Harriger, Class of 1927 SHS

Sligo School 1907-08 -- Room 1

Sligo School 1907-08 -- Room 4

Might this be a graduating class from Sligo School???
Written permission to post the above 3 photos has been given by owner of the photos, Carrie B., and Terri A. Brown, who is involved in maintaining the web site, Western Pennsylvania Old Photos. Many thanks to these ladies for their kindness in allowing us to do this.

More information please?

The above scene is on an old post card which was offered for sale. No information is available concerning exact location of the scene. Anyone out there know any details about this scene, such as buildings, time period, etc?

Responses so far have indicated that this is the road coming into Sligo from Rimersburg, and possibly may have been constructed by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) which had a camp along RT. 68 north out of Sligo. I can remember stopping at that camp when my parents went to visit someone who was in the CCC at the time. Another response indicated that the large white building in the upper right background was a school. Perhaps the identity of the large white building is now rather certain -- it was the former Sligo High School before the brick building was built. It was located near where the present United Methodist Church is located. The Junior Class (of 1925-26) photo above must have been taken outside the school building.

If there are those who have some older scenes of Sligo and can scan those, please do so and forward them to me for posting here. With cooperation we can put together a small album of some Sligo history.

Contact Clayton D. Harriger at


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